Support Our Work
Jewish Women’s Fund of Atlanta is a catalyst for gender justice and social change. In our first ten years, we have invested $1.8 million in nearly 60 partner organizations. By investing in Jewish Women’s Fund of Atlanta, you help create a more equitable world that expands opportunities for Jewish women and girls. Our success lies in an innovative and empowering model of philanthropy. No other organization is as exclusively and passionately dedicated to the advancement of Jewish women and girls in Atlanta and around the world.Donations of any amount are meaningful and important. Please consider investing today.

Give a Donation
Donations of any amount will further the mission of Jewish Women’s Fund of Atlanta to increase our impact in the lives of Jewish women and girls. Donate online by clicking here, or mail your contributions to: Jewish Women’s Fund of Atlanta, c/o Judy Marx, 1440 Spring Street NW, Atlanta, GA 30309. We also accept gifts of appreciated securities, recommendation of grants from philanthropic donor-advised funds, and private foundation or corporate gifts. You can also support JWFA by donating advertising or marketing space. Please contact us for more information.
Make a Tribute in Someone’s Honor or Memory
Let someone special know you care, while making a difference in the lives of Jewish women and girls. An investment of at least $18 per person can be made in honor or memory of a specific individual. The honoree will receive a tribute card in the mail, notifying them of your donation in their name to Jewish Women’s Fund of Atlanta. Please donate online or contact us to make arrangements.
Become a JWFA Trustee
An investment of at least $3,000 per year for three years (or $1,000 per year for three years for women under age 45 or recent alumnae of ACT) affords you the ability to help decide where the Jewish Women’s Fund of Atlanta dollars will go. As a JWFA Trustee, you will have the opportunity to take an active role in the decision-making process while effecting social change for Jewish women and girls. Contact us today to become a Trustee by emailing [email protected] or calling 678.222.3716.
Give at the Associate Level
There are many meaningful ways to be involved with JWFA and support our mission to promote social change for Jewish women and girls. Associate level donors are offered the opportunity to attend our Impact Forums and receive invitations to other exclusive events. The Associate level requires a minimum donation of $360 annually. Associates may upgrade to full Trustees at any time.
Leave a Legacy
A planned gift is a lasting investment in the work of the Jewish Women’s Fund of Atlanta. Please remember Jewish Women’s Fund of Atlanta in your will, trust, retirement account, or life insurance policy. Please contact Judy Marx at [email protected] or 678-222-3716 for more information about including JWFA in your estate plans or donating today. Click here to visit our Legacy Society.