New Trustee Sign-Up Page

Become JWFA's Newest Trustee!

YES! I want to become a Trustee of Jewish Women’s Fund of Atlanta and promote social change for Jewish women and girls. I welcome the opportunity to leverage the power of my philanthropy, voice and voting privileges. 

 Trustee Commitment and Benefits

Please note: all levels below include access to JWFA committees as well as all voting rights on organizational governance and grantmaking. 

Current ACT Participant – $1,000/year minimum donation for 3 years  

Trustee – $3,000/year minimum donation for 3 years  

Under 45 Trustee – $1,000/year minimum donation for 3 years (must be under 45 upon execution of this agreement)  

New Trustee Sign-Up

For those becoming a JWFA Trustee, here is an easy way to sign-up.

"*" indicates required fields

Confirmation: I have read the Trustee Agreement below and by clicking here I confirm my 3-year agreement as a JWFA Trustee.*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

An invoice will be sent within a week.  Payment or notification of payment process is due upon receipt. For more information and accepted methods of payment, click here.