Life and Legacy

LIFE & LEGACY™ is a capacity building partnership program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation that provides training, support and monetary incentives to move organizations to secure meaningful after-lifetime legacy gifts. Jewish Women's Fund of Atlanta is proud to be a partner in the inaugural class of this invaluable initiative.

The Legacy of Jewish Women’s Fund of Atlanta

Jewish Women’s Fund of Atlanta promotes social change and creates positive opportunities for Jewish women and girls. Our Trustees are empowered to be leaders, philanthropists, and decision-makers. We level the playing field and facilitate gender equality in the Jewish community by supporting economic empowerment, education and leadership, social justice, and violence prevention.

We believe that women are created equal, and yet our society does not treat them this way. Through our work, we address the root causes of inequality and offer women and girls a better future. Every day, Jewish Women’s Fund of Atlanta grantee partners are on the ground working with women and girls to create a level playing field in all areas of life. Here in Atlanta, young adults – young women AND young men – in high school and college are working together to learn about healthy relationships in order to prevent violence against women. Hundreds of students in day schools and youth groups are receiving the key education they need to prevent eating disorders, deadly mental illnesses that disproportionally affect the Jewish community. Young women at the Orthodox girls’ high school are finding new doors open to them through intensive, personalized career counseling that takes into account each student’s unique skills and interests. 

And in Israel, women from vulnerable populations are receiving the training, mentoring, and small loans they need to start their own businesses and stand on their own. Low-income, middle school girls are engaging in science, technology, engineering, and math through new and exciting channels, such as competitions, internships with Intel and Google, and meetings with successful female scientists from around Israel. Five different organizations are advocating for legislative changes that would completely shift the landscape for single mothers, victims of sex trafficking, survivors of domestic violence, children aging out of foster care, and women trapped in abusive marriages due to the religious court’s control. For many of these organizations, the only way they are able to do this work is through the support of the Jewish Women’s Fund of Atlanta. We are investing in solutions, collaborating for success, and igniting social change.

According to the Women’s Philanthropy Institute, in the last 15 years, only 1.2% of publicly-announced philanthropic gifts have been directed toward women’s and girl’s causes. This is why Jewish Women’s Fund of Atlanta is so critical. We are the only organization in Atlanta solely focused on social change for Jewish women and girls. We know that if we don’t do this work, nobody will. Changing systems and eliminating power imbalances takes time, and Jewish Women’s Fund of Atlanta is committed to this work; it is a marathon and not a sprint.

Jewish Women’s Fund of Atlanta affords Jewish women the opportunity to engage in active philanthropy in a collective decision-making model. By providing an avenue for women to work together and pool their resources for a common mission, Jewish Women’s Fund of Atlanta’s impact is exponential. We model our values by operating as an inclusive, hands-on organization where Jewish women create systemic change and future leaders, while also finding themselves empowered to be stronger activists and philanthropists.

Jewish Women’s Fund of Atlanta envisions a world where all women and girls in the Jewish community are ensured a healthy and supportive environment, in which we all have equal opportunity for achievement. By supporting our work, you are committing to elevating female voices in the Jewish community, creating leaders, eliminating violence, and promoting economic equality. Please join us today by making your legacy gift to support Jewish Women’s Fund of Atlanta. Our daughters and granddaughters are counting on you.

Legacy Society

We are eternally grateful to the following leaders who have already included Jewish Women’s Fund of Atlanta in their estate plans:

Anonymous (3)

Ellen Arnovitz

Martha Berlin

Ruth Coan and Family Memorial and Endowment Fund

Carol Z. Cooper

Enid and Jerry Draluck

Ilene Engel

Lisa and Steve Freedman

Pepi Friedman

Stacey and Ron Geer

Lisa Haynor

Barbra Hirsh

Merle Hoch

Andrea Jaron

Debbie Kuniansky

Rachel Wasserman

Please remember Jewish Women’s Fund of Atlanta with a gift in your will, trust, retirement account, or life insurance policy. To add your name to our Legacy Society or for more information, please contact